There are two kinds of people in the world:
Those who are born into the the LION'S Family
And Those born into the ANTELOPE'S Family!
If you belong to the Antelope family,
Sttart running before its day-break!
If not you will be BREAK-FAST for the LION and her cubs!
You deserve a second explanation on the Lion & Antelope story:
Whether you are a Lion or Antelope is not in anyway Superior or Inferior!
Even when you are born with all life conveniences at your disposal, you still lack!
The alegorical interpretation (appology Mr John Ochagu) is who dont have silver-spoon thrust into their mouth from birth, have deviced other means of survival strategies.
Any illussion or lethargy that we have arrived at, will return us back to our status quo!
The morale of the story is that we should continue to live day by day believing that we can do more than what we may have already done.
LION OR ANTELOPE both have their Challenges and non is easier ask them youn will know....
Now that everything has come to a head the populace(Antelope) is behaving like they never new the (Lion) must continue to feed on the Antelopes for their Breakfast Lunch and Dinner....
I wonder how many ANTELOPES Noah took with him for the period the Flood (Deluge) lasted for the Lion's daily meals? I wonder, I just nko?
Yes boss